Thursday, October 31, 2019

Public Relation Campaign for Big Brother Big Sister Assignment

Public Relation Campaign for Big Brother Big Sister - Assignment Example You can be assured that his Big Brother or Big Sister has undergone an extensive background check because we value your child’s safety. Furthermore, all mentoring relationships are closely monitored and have the backing of professionally trained match coordinator. The Big Brother or Big Sister will assist your child in achieving success in school and preventing him from turning to drugs or alcohol. Most kids who enroll at Big Brothers Big Sisters become more confident and perform better in school. Their relationships with their families and friends greatly improve. More importantly, they feel better about themselves (Big Brothers Big Sisters of America , par 2). If you are committed to letting your child explore his vast potentials and want to develop him to become a mature, responsible and a well-rounded individual, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. You may contact us at telephone number ____________ and we will gladly discuss with you about our programs. Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia Limited. "International connections." 2009. Web. 22 October 2012

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley Assignment

Stallings Culture of the Savannah River Valley - Assignment Example The names island is situated eight miles from Georgia. Since the 1850s, archeologists have been reviewing the site and eventually proved that the site is one of the utmost significant locations in the history of United States (Sassaman 79-104). Over the past 140 years, more than 12 excavations have been conducted on the island by archeologists and looters. The existence of intensive prehistoric habitation, shell mound, and archeological deposits makes Stallings culture as important. The author, Kenneth E. Sassaman has tried to focus on the activity of the people of the Shoals. The first argument of the author is to present a story about the fall and rise of the Stallings culture. The second argument is to discuss the story of archeology which helps to enlighten the history of Stallings. The author wants to highlight the Stallings culture and bring it back to life with archeological interpretations and excavations. The Stallings culture has gained attention for many decades by archeological. This is mainly due to its setting within a place and time of many archeological deposits such as soapstone artifacts and fiber-tempered pottery. The author vividly described the reason behind the importance and flourish of Stallings culture for over 300 years. The author initiates with the argument of the population of the South-east coast and America. Kenneth explains the history of the Late Archaic culture of the Savannah River valley with a chart. The chart is based on the radiocarbon age. The Stallings fiber-tempered pottery and its technologies are introduced by the author to provide evidence on the importance of Stallings culture. Kenneth also focuses on defining the geographical, typological and chronological parameters ceramics as an evidence to focus on the Stallings culture. Several controversial theories of the people of Stallings have been offered by Kenneth.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cloning the Putative Cancer Suppressor Gene GALNT9

Cloning the Putative Cancer Suppressor Gene GALNT9 Introduction The aim of this project is to clone the putative cancer suppressor gene GALNT9, it is a follow on from research by (pangeni et al. 2015) who previously found that this gene isnt expressed in breast cancers that metastasise to the brain. It was also discovered that when GALNT9 was knocked out of normal cells they appeared to become more cancerous. What is being tested here is whether a cloned GALNT9 can be expressed in cells that do not naturally express it in order to prevent or inhibit the development of cancer. This is an important discovery in the development of cancer therapies and preventative measures because metastasis is the single most common cause of cancer-related death. It also should be noted that metastatic breast cancer is commonly found in the brain, which is a guaranteed killer. It is interesting that breast cancers do metastasise in the way because of the complex and well-protected channels that must be used to enter the brain. This suggests that the metastasis occurs for a reason and that the cancerous cells have been developed specifically to metastasise to the brain.       Literature review A cells physiology is maintained by complex dynamic processes that control overall gene expression in the intracellular molecular pathways. cancer progression and metastasis can be caused by the induction of redirected gene regulatory circuits which is often caused by cytogenetic mutations however can also be initiated by non-genetic factors including trauma. Some of these non-genetic factors that can cause cancerisation are mutations in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. When the extracellular matrix increases in stiffness, there appears to be an increase in cell transformation and in cancer cell invasion (Feller, Khammissa, and Lemmer, 2017). Metastasis is the dissemination of neoplastic cancer cells to a secondary site or organ separate from the primary site. For example, if one is diagnosed with breast cancer which then spreads to the brain, this is known as a metastatic growth. Cancer of the brain that has spread in this manner is called metastatic breast cancer as opposed to brain cancer. Metastasis is the single most common cancer-related cause of death. The complex process of metastasis is the least known aspect of cancer biology and research into it is highly current and relevant. There are different oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes (TMGs) and metastasis suppressor genes (MSGs) that can inhibit the metastatic potential and invasive ability of cancerous cells (Efferth, 2009). Metastasis suppressor genes (MSGs) are proteins or molecules that are grouped into this class of genes so based on their ability to influence and suppress metastasis. Little is known about these genes; however, it is known that they come from a range of different biological pathways (Yoshida, 2000). At the site of metastasis or the secondary site MSGs regulate the growth of tumours. There are over 30 confirmed MSGs although their individual functionality has not necessarily been confirmed. For example,   Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a type of cancer that is diagnosed by the expression of certain MSGs. The patients of this cancer often show a reduced expression of Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) which inhibits the invasive characteristics of a tumour (Frankenberger et al., 2015). It is known that different MSGs target different stages in the metastatic cascade, an interesting and potentially therapeutic find is that some MSGs promote dormancy at the secondary site. MSGs have little or no effect on the primary site however, metastasis frequently occurs before primary resection therefore if the cells are moving to a secondary site as dormant cells, there is an eliminated risk. Research into cloning these MSGs is ongoing with the intention that a successfully cloned MSG may have the capacity to suppress metastasis from a different part of the body. Questions are also being raised as to whether these MSGs can be expressed in a foreign environment and whether a previously active tumour can be returned to a dormant state (Murugaesu et al., 2012).   Ã‚  

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Dentists Office Essay -- Descriptive Writing Examples, Observation

The Dentist's Office Dr. Rust's Office, these three words echo throughout my head and I can't breathe. I sit in this awful discomforting place. My body shakes in terror and Suddenly I hear a soft comforting voice say my name, "Genna, Dr. Rust is ready to see you now." On the outside, I am smiling and happy, but on the inside, I scream in terror. Although I had been there and experienced that extreme pain many times before, I dreaded yet another visit to the dentist. Fifteen minutes ago I drove up to the old brick building in Delta, Colorado. Out front was an old wooden sign reading, "Rust, P L D.D.S." I got out of my comfortable homey car, and headed toward the door that said, "ENTER." I took a deep breath and opened the door. A clean but musty smell instantly filled my lungs. The old place was very cold and uncomfortable. The lady at the desk smiled at me and said, "Have a seat it will only be a few minutes." I turn around to look for the chairs and saw the west wall covered with old cracked wallpaper plastered with flowers. I glance behind me and see the receptionist desk once again, and the bulletin board on the wall next to it with dentist jokes and advertisements all over it. The receptionist smiles at me again and I turn back around. I see that the North and South walls are covered with old wood paneling. One wall has the door in which I just entered, and the other has the dark tunnel leading to the exam rooms. I spot the chairs just across the waiting room on both walls. I quickly choose the end one with green and orange flowers covering it and sit down. When sitting, I look down at the floor and I am not surprised to see the ancient gold shag carpet beneath my feet. I Sit in the freezing cold waiting room,... ..., and maneuvered its long bendy stem until it pointed right into my mouth. As he began to work, I stared in a daze at Dr. Rust's thick glasses. When he was done filling my tooth, I got out of the enormous chair and made my way back to the waiting room. I said, "goodbye" to the nurse and left that awful place. Outside, I took a deep breath of cool fresh air. I practically ran to get inside my safe car. When back inside i cried in excruciating pain, I couldn't even feel my face. I sat there for a while thinking of those three terrifying words, Dr. Rust's office. I inserted the key into my ignition, turned it and drove away. When I knew I was home safe, I looked into my rear-view mirror. When I saw that old rickety building filled with bad experiences, I realized that that had been the most uncomfortable place I had ever visited, and I surely wasn't going to return.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Joint Problems Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Health And Social Care Essay

Patellofemoral articulation jobs are the most common overuse hurt of the lower appendage, and altered femoral or hep rotary motion may plays a major function in patellofemoral hurting Patellofemoral hurting syndrome ( PFPS ) is the 2nd most common musculoskeletal ailment presented to physical therapists ( Witvrouw et al, 1996. Hilyard, 1990 ) . Studies has shown Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome to be the most common individual diagnosing among smugglers and in athleticss medical specialty centres. Eleven per centum of musculoskeletal ailments in the office scenes are caused by anterior articulatio genus hurting ( which most normally consequences from PFPS, constitutes 16-25 % of all hurts in smugglers ) . The term PFPS is frequently used interchangeably with â€Å" anterior articulatio genus hurting † or â€Å" smuggler ‘s articulatio genus † . Patellofemoral hurting syndrome can be defined as retropatellar or peripatellar hurting ensuing from physical and biomechanical alterations in the patellofemoral articulation. It should be distinguished from chondromalacia, which is existent fraying and harm to the underlying patellar gristle. Patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome have anterior articulatio genus hurting that typically occurs with activity and frequently worsens when they are falling stairss or hills. It can besides be exacerbated by activities such as go uping stepss, crouching, kneeling, drawn-out posing ( Doucette and Goble, 1992 ) . The oncoming of the symptom is normally insidious ( Arroll et al, 1997: Hilyard, 1990 ) . One or both articulatio genuss can be affected. Many factors are involved in complex interactions that influence the patellofemoral articulation and the exact aetiology and pathophysiology of PFPS is frequently puzzling ( Fulkerson and Hungerford, 1990 ; Finestone et Al, 1993 ) . Many theories have been proposed to explicate the etiology of the patellofemoral hurting. These include mechanical, muscular and over use theories. There is consensus that malalignment and maltracking of the kneecap are major characteristics of PFPS ( Maclntyre and Robertson,1992: Gerrard, 1989 ) . The patellar maltracking consequences in unnatural joint emphasis and subsequent articular gristle ware ( Powers: 1998 ) . Lateral trailing of the kneecap has been listed as a major subscriber to malalignment which consequences in unnatural joint compaction and later patellar hurting. It is normally theorized that maltracking is the consequence of vastus medialis ( VM ) weakening comparative to the vastus lateralis ( VL ) , ensuing in sidelong trailing of kneecap ( Mc Conell, 1986 ) . Weak hip muscular structure is besides thought to lend to unnatural trailing of kneecap. Ireland et Al found that adult females with PFPS are 26 % weaker hip abduction and 36 % weaker in hip internal rotary motion compared with healthy controls. Such failing may do an addition in both varus force vector at the articulatio genus a combination that may farther ease median trailing of kneecap. Lower appendage malalignment ( caused by abnormalcies such as an increased standing ‘Q ‘ angle, pes planus or subtalar pronation ) frequently has been implicated as a cause of PFPS. Most patients with PFPS respond favorably to conservative intercession. These include quadriceps beef uping, patellar tape, patellar brace, stretching, soft tissue mobilisation. With the most common intervention being quadriceps beef uping utilizing weight bearing and non weight bearing exercisings, weight bearing exercisings are more functional than non weight bearing exercisings because they require multijoint motion, easing a functional form of musculus enlisting and stimulate proprioceptors. In an attempt to supply immediate decrease to trouble, Mc Conell proposed utilizing tape to modify patellar orientation and normalise patellar trailing. When handling patients with patellofemoral hurting who demonstrate deficiency of control of hip abduction and external rotary motion during weight bearing activities such as walking and falling stepss, one end may to be to optimise musculus map to command these gestures, as such motion can ensue in knee varus, an addition in dynamic ‘Q ‘ angle and greater median forces moving on the kneecap. Hence, it would look sensible to endeavor for optimum map of hip muscular structure.1.2 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF THE STUDYDespite its prevalence, nevertheless the etiology and specific intervention of this hurting syndrome remain obscure and controversial. The premiss behind most intervention attacks is that Patellofemoral hurting syndromes is the consequence of malalignment and/or unnatural patellar trailing. Interventions are frequently focused locally and typically include quadriceps beef uping, patellar tape, patellar brace and soft tissue mobilisation. Based on the old researches, we theorized that the exercisings stressing neuromuscular control of both the quadriceps and hip median rotators may profit patients diagnosed with PFPS. Therefore, the intent of this survey was to look into the effects of hip median rotators and quadriceps beef uping plan in patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome.Need AND SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY:Need of the survey:To cut down hurting To better scope of gesture To better functional activityAims:To find the effectivity of median rotator musle and quadriceps beef uping in patellofemoral hurting To find the effectivity of quadriceps beef uping in patellofemoral hurting To compare the effectivity of quadriceps beef uping and median rotator musculus beef uping exercising in patellofemoral hurting1.3 HYPOTHESISThe void hypothesis for this survey could be stated as â€Å" There Is No Significant Difference In Reduction Of Pain between the group having Hip Medial Rotator and Quadriceps Muscle Strengthening when compared with Quadriceps Muscle Strengthening entirely in Patients With Patellofemoral Pain † .REVIEW OF LITERATURECibulka MT, Threlkeld-Watkins J. , 2005 has reported that patellofemoral hurting is the commonest of all the overexploitation hurts of the lower limb. Major cause for this is considered to be altered femoral rotary motion. Powers CM. , 2003 has demonstrated that patellar maltracking and malalignment are the commonest triggering factors for kneecap femoral hurting. Mascal CL, Landel R, Powers C 2003 has concluded in their survey that musces of hip, bole and pelvic girdle are affected in patellofemoral hurting syndrome and hence intercessions directed towards these muscular structure should be included in the rehabilitation protocol. Bellamy N, Buchanan WW, Goldsmith CH, Campbell J, Stitt LW 1988 has published a survey on WOMAC graduated table reasoning that WOMAC is the most dependable and valid graduated table for measuring arthritis. Braten M, Terjesen T, Rossvoll I 1992 has demonstrated that ultrasound analysis of hip in anterior articulatio genus hurting reveals femoral rotary motion in most of the patients. i Sameer A.Dixit, M.D. , et al Management of patellofemoral hurting syndrome shown that physical therapy is effectual in handling PFPS. i La Brier K, O ‘ Neill D.B, Patellofemoral syndrome, current constructs. This survey indicate that patellofemoral hurting syndrome is normally treated cautiously, surveies indicate that 60 % to 89 % of articulatio genuss will react favorably to conservative intervention. The exercising plan include Iliotibial set, hamstring and gastrocnemius stretching, progressive opposition straight leg elevation and hip adduction beef uping performed 2 times/ twenty-four hours until symptoms subside and the 3 times /week, thenceforth. i Heintjes, Berger MY, Bierma- Zeinstra SM, Exercise therapy for patellofemoral hurting syndrome stated that the exercising therapy is more effectual in handling PFPS. There is strong grounds that unfastened and closed kinetic concatenation exercising are every bit effectual. i Hudson Z, Daruthy E. Iliotibial set stringency and patellofemoral hurting syndrome. A instance – control survey show that the topics showing with PFPS do hold a tighter ITB. i Fagan V, Delahunt E, Patellofemoral pain syndrome- a reappraisal of the associated neuromuscular shortages and current intervention options stated that â€Å" Physiotherapy intervention programmes look to be an efficacious method of bettering quads instability. i Power et, Al, ( 1997 ) , patient performed free walking, fast walking, go uping and falling walking with and without patellar taping. Taping determined patient ‘s hurting reduced ( VAS ) 50 % during exacerbating activity. i Ernst GP, Kawaguchi. J, Saliba E. Effect of Patellar Taping on articulatio genus dynamicss of patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome, suggests that patellar taping compared with no tape may better the articulatio genus extensor minute and power during weight bearing activities such as sidelong measure – up exercising and perpendicular leap. i Cristina mare Nunes cabral, Amellia Pasqual Marques, Effect of a closed kinetic concatenation exercising protocol on patellofemoral syndrome rehabilitation. The consequences of T he study allow the suggestion that the proposed quadriceps femoris beef uping exercisings with ROM control should be prescribed for PFPS patients since they improve knee functional degree. i Avraham.F, Aviv.S et al. , The efficaciousness of intervention of different intercession plans for patellofemoral hurting syndrome. The survey with a sum of 30 back-to-back patients ( average age 35 old ages ) diagnosed with PFPS indiscriminately allocated into 3 groups. Group I – Conventional Rehabilitation plan included quadriceps beef uping and TENS, Group II- Hip oriented rehabilitation plan included stretching, hip external rotator strengthening and TENS. Group III-A combination of 2 plans. At terminal of test all groups show important betterment in VAS and PFJES ( P & lt ; 0.0001 ) ; these betterment did non vary significantly between the 3 groups. All the groups show a similar good consequence. i Tyler TF, Nicholas SJ, Mullaney MJ. The function of hip musculus map in the intervention of patellofemoral hurting syndrome. This survey concluded that betterments in hip flexure strength combined with increased iliotibial set and iliopsoas flexibleness were associated with first-class consequences in patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. i Harmonizing to Muir KR ( 1999 ) . a individual plan of place quadriceps can significantly better ego reported articulatio genus hurting and map. i Cheng GL et Al in their survey conducted for four hebdomads intervention period, concluded that both TENS and isometric groups had important decrease in articulatio genus hurting. i Sheila O ‘ Reilly made a survey on 192 work forces and adult females with articulatio genus hurting. They were enrolled in a plan consisting of isometric and isosmotic exercisings of the quadriceps or thigh, utilizing a opposition set and they had important lessening in hurting ( 22.5 % ) and betterment in physical map ( 17.4 % ) . She besides stated that beef uping musculuss around an creaky articulation could back up the joint and cut down hurting. i Lam PL, NG QY, Activation of the quadriceps musculus during semi crouching with different hip and knee place in patients with anterior articulatio genus hurting, the survey shows that there was comparatively more activation of vastus medialis oblique than vastus lateralis at 40A ° of semi knee bend with hip medially rotated by 30A ° . i Herrington L. AL – Sherhi.A, A controlled test of weight bearing versus non weight bearing exercisings for patellofemoral hurting. This survey demonstrates that both weight – bearing and non weight bearing exercisings can significantly better subjective and clinical results in patients with PFPS. i Ng GY, Cheng JM, The effects of patellar taping on hurting and neuromuscular public presentation in topics with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. This survey states that there was a important lessening in anterior articulatio genus hurting ( P & lt ; 0.001 ) and vastus medialis obliques to vastus lateralis activity ratio ( P – 0.05 ) during individual legged standing after patellar tape. i Mark overington, BHSc ( Physio ) , Damain Gooddard, BhSc ( Physio ) . , A Critical assessment and literature review on the consequence of patellar tape, is patellar taping effectual in the patellofemoral hurting syndrome? This critical analysis has shown that patellar taping lessenings pain in the short term, may be utile as an adjunct to physiotherapy in long term i T.K. Amell, J.P. Stothart, S. Kumar, The effectivity of functional pes orthoses as a intervention for patellofemoral emphasis syndrome: A clients position. The consequences shows that orthotic usage is believed to be effectual in commanding the symptoms of PFPS. i Michael T. Gross, PT. Ph.D. , Jody L. Foxworth, PT, MS, OCS, The Role of pes orthoses as an intercession for patellofemoral hurting. The mechanism for pes orthoses holding a positive consequence on hurting and map for these patients. i Dr. Robert Topp assessed the hurting, map, abilities, knee joint proprioception, pace features and quadriceps strength of 135 participants utilizing randomized isometric strength preparation group and a dynamic strength preparation group for 16 hebdomad regimen and concluded that regular strength preparation could detain the oncoming of this painful disease and demand for surgery i Van Berr et Al, ( 1999 ) found that aerophilic exercising was more effectual than opposition exercising in cut downing hurting. There was modest betterment in disablement degree for patients randomized to aerobic exercising. i Michelle C. Boilig, MS, ATC. , et al. , Outcomes of a weight bearing rehabilitation plan for patients diagnosed with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. Subjects diagnosed with PFPS responded favorably and rapidly to a curative exercising plan that incorporated quadriceps and his muscular structure strengthening. i Catherine L. Mascal PT, B.Sc. , Robert Landel, DPT, OSC, Christopher power, PT, Ph..D. Management of Patellofemoral hurting Targeting the Hip, Pelvis and Trunk Muscle map: instance study. This instance study present 2 patients with PFP who demonstrated unnatural kinematics at the hip and who respond favourably to an exercising plan specifically aiming to Hip, Pelvis and trunk muscular structure.3.MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY3.1 METHODOLOGY3.1.1.STUDY DesignThe survey was conducted in the format of experimental pre-test, station trial survey design.3.1.2STUDY SettingThe survey was conducted in the section of physical medical specialty and rehabilitation, Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore-641044 under the supervising of usher incharge, College Of Physiotherapy, SRIPMS, Coimbatore.3.1.3SAMPLING20 Subject who fulfilled the undermentioned criterias were selected through simple random sampling and assigned to two groups of 10 each.CRITERIA FOR SAMPLE SELECTION.I ) Inclusion standardsi Age be tween 25-35 old ages i Both males and females i Unilateral patellofemoral hurting syndrome and median rotator musculus weekness. i Anterior or retropatellar articulatio genus hurting reported during at least two of the undermentioned activities: rise and falling step, skiping and running, crouching, kneeling, and prolonged posing. i Insidious oncoming of symptoms non related to injuries. i Pain with compaction of kneecap. i Pain on tactual exploration of patellar aspects.two ) Exclusion CriteriaSymptoms nowadays for less than two months No history of old articulatio genus hurting Metallic element implants Fleshiness Diabetess Peripheral vascular disease Self reported clinical grounds of other articulatio genus pathology. Such as intra articular pathology, peripatellar tendonitis or bursitis, fold, disruptions or subluxations etc. Current important hurt impacting other lower appendage articulations. Subjects with any of the above said conditions were excluded from survey.Procedure:1. Group A:Subjects were treated with Hip median rotator and quadriceps beef uping exercisings and stretching.2. Group B:Subjects were treated with lone quadriceps beef uping exercisings and stretching. Both group received the place programme of stretching and beef uping exercisings ( SEE APPENDIX – Four )STUDY DURATIONThis survey is proposed to be carried out for the period of 6 monthsTREATMENT DURATIONGroup A:5 sets of 12 repeats per twenty-four hours 3 yearss per hebdomad for 4 hebdomadsGroup B:5 sets of 12 repeats per twenty-four hours 3 yearss per hebdomad for 4 hebdomadsParametersSubjective hurting strength during activities of day-to-day life measured with ocular parallel graduated table ( VAS ) . Functional activities measured with western Lake Ontario andmcmaster universities osteoarthritis index ( womac )3.2MATERIALS USEDOrthopedic rating chart Thera set Strengthening sofa Inch tape3.3 Statistical ToolThe consequences of the survey were analysed utilizing independent ‘t ‘ trial T = S = = Mean difference of the first group = Mean difference of the 2nd group = Number of samples in first group = Number of samples in 2nd group S = Combined criterion divergenceTREATMENT TECHNIQUESExercise FOR PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROMEStrengthening Exercises:1 ] Hip internal rotators beef upingthis exercising is performed with the patient standing in the exercising machine. Initially 5 sets of 12 repeats get downing with 9kg is done and later opposition is increased harmonizing to musculus weariness and hurting.2 ] Quadriceps Strengthening:A ] Isometricss: Position yourself as shown above. Keep your right leg straight for 10-20 seconds and so loosen up. Make the exercisings 5-10 times. B ] Straight Leg Raising: Position yourself as shown above. Raise your right leg several inches and keep it up for 5-10 seconds. Then lower your leg to the floor easy over a few seconds. Do the exercisings 5-10 times.3 ] Partial Knee bends:Stand with pess, shoulder width apart and toes somewhat turned out. Bend articulatio genuss from traveling in forepart toes. Squat every bit low as tolerable, intermission at lowest deepness and raise to get downing place. It can besides be done with back support on wall and with ball between 2 articulatio genuss.4 ] Step Up:Stand sideways with involved leg next to 3-6 † measure. Place involved pes on measure and easy raise organic structure weight with involved leg. Slowly lower organic structure back to get down place gently touching heel on land, so repetition by easy raising organic structure with involved leg. Repeat as by increasing repeat. Increase measure 2-3 † with repeat.Stretching Exercise1a ) Iliotibial Band Buttock Stretch: ( Right side ) .Position yourself as shown in the image. Writhe your bole to the right and utilize your left arm to â€Å" force † your right leg. You should experience the stretch in your right thigh. ( Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercising 5 to 10 times ) .B ) Iliotibial Band Stretch: ( Left Side )Position yourself as shown below, with your right leg crossed in forepart of your left leg. Keep your custodies together and travel them toward the floor. You should experience a stretch in the outer portion of your left thigh. ( Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercising 5 to 10 times. )2 ) . Hamstrings stretch:Liing in back and back uping thigh behind articulatio genus, easy straighten articulatio genus until a stretch is felt in the dorsum of the thigh. Keep it for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it for 5 to 10 times. The thigh may besides be supported on a wall.3 ) Quadriceps Stretch:Position with one manus on the wall and the other on the pes of the side to be stretched and the articulatio genus is flexed. Keep it for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it for 5 to 10 times. Can be performed with hip flexure and extension.4 ) Calf Stretch:Position against a wall with heel on the land to experience back of the leg stretch. Keep for 10 to 20 seconds. Do the exercisings 6 to 10 times.5 ) Hip And Buttock Stretch: ( Left Side )Position left over right leg and manus is placed over left articulatio genus draw the articulatio genus somewhat towards the patient while sitting up directly. Keep the place for 20 seconds and so rest for several seconds. Do the exercising for 6 times.6 ] Hip Adductor Stretch:Position in supine prevarication, with hip and articulatio genus flexure, and inquire the patient to kidnap the leg until the stretch felt. Keep it fo r 10-20 seconds, repetition it for 5-10 times.7 ] Hip external rotators Stretch:Gentle stretching of the hip in the way of median rotary motion is done with the patient in prone prevarication. Stretching is done with the hip in impersonal and knee flexed to 90 grade. The stretch force is held for 30 seconds and repeated for 3 times.4. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSISGROUP – A ( VAS )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference7 2 5 6 1 5 5 2 3 8 3 5 4 1 3 5 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 5 5 1 4 6 1 5 Mean 6.1 1.7 4.4GROUP – B ( VAS )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference7 3 4 5 2 3 7 4 3 8 4 4 6 3 3 5 2 3 7 3 4 7 3 4 5 3 2 5 1 4 Mean 6.2 2.8 3.4VesselGroupMEAN VALUECALULATED â€Å" T † ValueTable â€Å" T † ValuePRE – TrialPOST -TESTSouth dakotaA 6.1 1.7 1.46 2.888 0.01 Bacillus 6.2 2.8 1.33GROUP – A ( WOMAC )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference35 27 8 37 27 10 41 31 10 39 30 9 42 33 9 35 28 7 43 35 8 40 31 11 35 26 9 38 31 7Mean38.6 29.9 8.8GROUP – B ( WOMAC )S.NoPRE – TrialPOST -TESTDifference38 29 9 40 32 8 38 31 7 40 33 7 42 35 7 36 30 6 40 31 9 30 22 8 35 28 7 40 34 6Mean37.9 30.5 7.4WOMACGroupMEAN VALUECALWLATD â€Å" T † ValueTable â€Å" T † ValuePRE – TrialPOST -TESTSouth dakotaA38.6 29.9 1.32 2.606 0.05Bacillus37.9 30.5 1.07DiscussionThis survey was done to happen out the effectivity of hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping in patients with patello femoral hurting syndrome. Twenty patients who had PFPS for continuance of atleast two months participated in this survey. They were indiscriminately allocated to one of the two intervention groups. Group I received hep median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping plan and Group II received merely Knee quadriceps musculus beef uping plan. Patients were evaluated after two months of intervention and all patients completed the survey. The statistical analysis performed between Group I and Group II showed the undermentioned result. VAS mark showed the average betterment of 3.4 and 4.4 of hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping group severally. The statistical analysis performed between Group I and Group II showed the undermentioned result. WOMAC mark showed the average betterment of 7.4 and 8.8 of median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping group severally. The independent ‘t ‘ trial was performed to analyze the consequences. For VAS the deliberate ‘t ‘ value is 5.84 which is more than the table value of 2.101 in conformity to the degree of significance of 0.05, at 18 grades of freedom. The result is considered to be important prefering the rejection of void hypothesis. For WOMAC the calculated't ‘ value is 2.606 which is more than the table value 2.101. The result is considered to be important prefering the rejection of void hypothesis Therefore, â€Å" There is a important difference in decrease of hurting on utilizing hep median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping patients with PFPS. The consequences showed important decrease in hurting degree with both rehabilitation plan but the hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping showed greater diagnostic recovery than the knee quadriceps beef uping. Hence, based on the ‘t ‘ value, it is clear that there is a important difference between two beef uping programmes. A restriction of our survey is that merely one-sided patello fermoral hurting syndrome was taken for the survey.DecisionBased on the consequences of our survey, it is clear that hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus beef uping howed greater diagnostic recovery than the knee quadriceps beef uping plan entirely. This suggests that the implicit in cause of patellofemoral hurting in certain persons may non be restricted to the patellofemoral articulation. From this survey it is suggested that hip median rotator and quadriceps musculus strengthening is more good to patients with patellofemoral hurting syndrome. Since it is a clip edge survey, survey with the larger sample size and long term follow- up can be done in hereafter.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Financial Markets and Return Essay

Problem 1 (BKM, Q3 of Chapter 7) (10 points1) What must be the beta of a portfolio with E( rP ) = 20.0%, if the risk free rate is 5.0% and the expected return of the market is E( rM ) = 15.0%? Answer: We use E( rP ) = ÃŽ ² P *(E( rM ) – r f ) + r f . We then have: 0.20 = ÃŽ ² P *(0.15-0.05) + 0.05. Solving for the beta we get: ÃŽ ² P =1.5. Problem 2 (BKM, Q4 of Chapter 7) (20 points) The market price of a security is $40. Its expected rate of return is 13%. The risk-free rate is 7%, and the market risk premium is 8%. What will the market price of the security be if its beta doubles (and all other variables remain unchanged)? Assume that the stock is expected to pay a constant dividend in perpetuity. Hint: Use zero-growth Dividend Discount Model to calculate the intrinsic value, which is the market price. Answer: First, we need to calculate the original beta before it doubles from the CAPM. Note that: ÃŽ ² = (the security’s risk premium)/(the market’s risk premium) = 6/8 = 0.75. Second, when its beta doubles to 2*0.75 = 1.5, then its expected return becomes: 7% + 1.5*8% = 19%. (Alternatively, we can find the expected return after the beta doubles in the following way. If the beta of the security doubles, then so will its risk premium. The current risk premium for the stock is: (13% – 7%) = 6%, so the new risk premium would be 12%, and the new discount rate for the security would be: 12% + 7% = 19%.) Third, we find out the implied constant dividend payment from its current market price of $40. If the stock pays a constant dividend in perpetuity, then we know from the original data that the dividend (D) must satisfy the equation for a perpetuity: Price = Dividend/Discount rate 40 = D/0.13 ⇒ D = 40 * 0.13 = $5.20 Last, at the new discount rate of 19%, the stock would be worth: $5.20/0.19 = $27.37. The increase in stock risk has lowered the value of the stock by 31.58%. Problem 3 (BKM, Q16 of Chapter 7) (10 points) A share of stock is now selling for $100. It will pay a dividend of $9 per share at the end of the year. Its beta is 1.0. What do investors expect the stock to sell for at the end of the year if the market expected return is18% and the risk free rate for the year is 8%? Answer: Since the stock’s beta is equal to 1, its expected rate of return should be equal to that of D + P1 − P0 , therefore, we can solve for P1 as the market, that is, 18%. Note that: E(r) = P0 9 + P1 − 100 the following: 0.18 = ⇒ P1 = $109. 100 Problem 4 (15 points) Assume two stocks, A and B. One has that E( rA ) = 12% and E( rB ) = 15.%. The beta for stock A is 0.8 and the beta for B is 1.2. If the expected returns of both stocks lie in the SML line, what is the expected return of the market and what is the risk-free rate? What is the beta of a portfolio made of these two assets with equal weights? Answer: Since both stocks lie in the SML line, we can immediately find its slope or the risk premium of the market. Slope = (E(rM) – rF) = ( E(r2) – E(r1))/( ÃŽ ²2- ÃŽ ²1) = (0.15-0.12)/(1.2-0.8) = 0.03/0.4= 0.075. Putting these values in E(r2) = ÃŽ ²2*(E(rM) – rF) + rF one gets: 0.15 = 1.2*0.075 + rF or rF =0.06=6.0%. The Expected return of the market is then given by (E(rM) – 0.06) = 0.075 giving: E(rM) = 13.5%. If you create a portfolio with these two assets putting equals amounts of money in them (equally weighted), the beta will be ÃŽ ²P = w1*ÃŽ ²1+w2*ÃŽ ²2= 0.5*1.2+0.5*0.8 = 1.0. Problem 5 (15 points) You have an asset A with annual expected return, beta, and volatility given by: E( rA ) = 20%, ÃŽ ² A =1.2, ÏÆ' A =25%, respectively. If the annual risk-free rate is r f =2.5% and the expected annual return and volatility of the market are E( rM )=10%, ÏÆ' A =15%, what is the alpha of asset A? Answer: In order to find the alpha, ÃŽ ± A , of asset A we need to find out the difference between the expected return of the asset E( rA ) and the expected return implied by the CAPM which is r f + ÃŽ ² A (E(rM) – r f ). That is, express its expected return as: ÃŽ ± A = E( rA ) – r f + ÃŽ ² A (E( rM ) – r f )). Since we know the expected return of the market, the beta of the asset with respect to the market, and the risk-free rate, alpha is given by: ÃŽ ± A = E( rA ) – ÃŽ ² A (E( rM ) – r f ) – r f = 0.20 – 1.2(0.1 – 0.025) – 0.025 = 0.085 = 8.5%. 2 Problem 6 (BKM, Q23 of Chapter 7) (20 points) Consider the following data for a one-factor economy. All portfolios are well diversified. _______________________________________ Portfolio E(r) Beta ———————————————————-A 10% 1.0 F 4% 0 ———————————————————-Suppose another portfolio E is well diversified with a beta of 2/3 and expected return of 9%. Would an arbitrage opportunity exist? If so, what would the arbitrage strategy be? Answer: You can create a Portfolio G with beta equal to 1.0 (the same as the beta for Portfolio A) by taking a long position in Portfolio E and a short position in Portfolio F (that is, borrowing at the risk-free rate and investing the proceeds in Portfolio E). For the beta of G to equal 1.0, the pr oportion (w) of funds invested in E must be: 3/2 = 1.5 The expected return of G is then: E(rG) = [(−0.50) Ãâ€" 4%] + (1.5 Ãâ€" 9%) = 11.5% ÃŽ ²G = 1.5 Ãâ€" (2/3) = 1.0 Comparing Portfolio G to Portfolio A, G has the same beta and a higher expected return. This implies that an arbitrage opportunity exists. Now, consider Portfolio H, which is a short position in Portfolio A with the proceeds invested in Portfolio G: ÃŽ ²H = 1ÃŽ ²G + (−1)ÃŽ ²A = (1 Ãâ€" 1) + [(−1) Ãâ€" 1] = 0 E(rH) = (1 Ãâ€" rG) + [(−1) Ãâ€" rA] = (1 Ãâ€" 11.5%) + [(− 1) Ãâ€" 10%] = 1.5% The result is a zero investment portfolio (all proceeds from the short sale of Portfolio A are invested in Portfolio G) with zero risk (because ÃŽ ² = 0 and the portfolios are well diversified), and a positive return of 1.5%. Portfolio H is an arbitrage portfolio. Problem 7 (10 points) Compare the CAPM theory with the APT theory, explain the difference between these two theories? Answer: APT applies to well-diversified portfolios and not necessarily to individual stocks. It is possible for some individual stocks not to be on the SML. CAPM assumes rational behavior for all investors; APT only requires some rational investors: APT is more general in that its factor does not have to be the market portfolio. Both models give the expected return-beta relationship. 3

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

‘Little Old Lady’ Essay Example

‘Little Old Lady’ Essay Example ‘Little Old Lady’ Paper ‘Little Old Lady’ Paper young people respected old people at that time . Arnold Wesker wanted to show people how society was in the 1980 and how it changed so he wrote a play about how people’s views and values were . The stage directions and the dialogue show that it is everyday situation because the way people are talking to each other. Tracey says â€Å"capital of New Zealand† to Sam. Sam says â€Å"you’re getting really difficult, aren’t you? Then little old lady says â€Å"you don’t know the capital of new Zealand? This shows that it is just normal day because the way there are talking is normal and also they are playing a game and that’s normal. Also the place that is happing is in a train and this shows that it’s a normal day and people are acting normal. The setting of the play is good because it shows that it is a normal day and it’s a good place to show people how people are treated in the 1980s and how things are different now than before. The lighting goes on the person to show that he / she is speaking and it is good because u will know who is speaking. The sound that is used in the play shows that it is a normal day. â€Å"Sound of an underground train hurtling through its tube†. This shows that it’s a normal everyday situation. The way the characters are acting shows that it is an ordinary day for example what they are talking about. The stage direction shows what is going to happen and how people are reacting to the situation. There is something that is not everyday situation and that is the smoke sign. The characters in the play are Tracy and Sam, they are both friends, little old lady, Harassed women, unpleasant man and Jason. The characters are divided into 2 groups and that is unpleasant man on his own, because he doesn’t want to listen to any one,’ he wants to do whatever he wants and that is to smoke in the train but the other people on the train are telling him that he shouldn’t smoke . He doesn’t listen and those people that are trying to tell him that is not allowed are little old lady, Sam, Tracy, Jason, Harassed women. First the little old lady argues with unpleasant man then the rest try to help the little old lady and that’s how the characters are divided, the unpleasant man against everyone else. The actions of the characters shows tension and conflict is when the little old lady argues with the Unpleasant man shows tension in the play because it makes the play worth while drama and this is shown in the play when the unpleasant man says â€Å" And you think yourself lucky you’re an old women â€Å". He says this to the little old lady, the little old lady says something back to get attention, she says â€Å"NO, you think yourself lucky I’m an old women â€Å". This shows that the man is trying to threaten the little old lady and this builds tension. The stage direction builds tension because it tells you what is happening and also what the characters are doing and saying. â€Å"The silence is long. Unease grows†. This shows that the stage direction also builds up tension when it is quiet. The writer is effective when he tries to build tension when it is quiet because it makes the play more interesting to read and the audience won’t get bored because the play is getting good and people like when something that is boring at first and then turns out to be good, makes the reader want to read more. The authors notes at the start are explaining that this play is strictly not about race and is all based on the issue of no smoking in the underground. The author became worried about the play because in those days the race tension was really high, and thought that the director would face difficulty choosing characters for this play . He did have difficulty choosing characters for the play because if he had picked a black student to take part in the play then people will see the play as racist and in 1980 society used to judge people because of there race. â€Å"If a black student plays the anti-social character it is interpreted as a statement about race not as a fact of life†. This shows that in the 1980 society judged people because of their race. For example if there where to watch a play about real life situation and a black student is taken part then they would see the play as racist not about life situation . I think it doesn’t have an effect on the way the play is read and performed because at the start of the play the author tells you that the play is not going to be about race, it’s going to be about life situation. The reader will know what the play is going to be about and they won’t have any problems reading it and they will have some ideas about how the play is going to be performed. I think when the characters ague or fight and the no smoking sign makes the play interesting for people to watch because in the begging of the play it was boring because it didn’t have any action but if it did then it would have been interesting for people to watch but it was good because at the start it didn’t have any action , it was all quiet and you would know that something is going to happen and that why the audience would carry on watching it because the play is going to be good but if it wasn’t then nobody would watch it , they wouldn’t find it interesting . Wesker puts a no smoking sign in the train because so people will know that something is going to happen and it did, in the play the little old lady argues with the unpleasant man because he was smoking and in the train you are not allowed and the little old lady was trying to tell the man that smoking is not allowed but he didn’t listen to her, he just ignored her. This shows that in the 1980 people didn’t respect old people at that time but children did respect old people.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Alcatraz essays

Alcatraz essays In western California, in San Fransisco Bay, Alcatraz rises 130 feet above the surface of the bay and is about 1755 feet long. The United States Depeartment of Justice used the island as a Military Prison from 1868 until 1933, when it became a federal prison for dangerous prisoners. The prison was closed in 1963. In 1972 Alcatraz became part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The island has many natural features such as gardens, tide pools, and bird colonies. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the occupation of the Alcatraz Island by Indians of all tribes. The name Alcataz derived from the spanish word Alcatraces. It was given to the island by a spanish explorer namedm Juan Manuel de Ayala. The name Alcatraz means pelican or strange bird. Well known prisoners that stayed in Alcatraz were Al Capone, George Machine-Gun Kelly, Alvin Karpis, and Arthur Doc Barker. At Alcatraz, a prisoner had 4 rights: food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Everything else was a privilege and had to be earned. Privileges that had to be earned were: working, corresponding with and having visits from family members, access to the prison library, and recreational activities. Over the 29 years that the federal prison operated, 36 men, including 2 who tried to escape twice, were involved in 14 separate escape attempts. 23 were caught, 6 were shot and killed, and 2 drowned. No one ever succeeded in escaping from Alcatraz. Although, to this day, there are 5 prisoners listed as missing and presumed dead. The average population for the prison was between 260 and 275 prisoners. The prison never once reached its maximum capacity of 336. Some prisoners considered Alcatraz better than other Federal Prisons. After the prison closed, it was basically abandoned. Many ideas were brought up for the island. From 1909 through 1911, Alcatraz wa ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Astrology Essay Research Paper Astrology From the

Astrology Essay, Research Paper Astrology From the morning of civilization, worlds have looked with admiration and awe at the celestial spheres, seeking to understand the nature of the Sun Moon and planets. Astrology and uranology are sometimes baffled, but they are both really different from each other. Astrology and astronomy started off as being the same as they had both developed a set of principals the originated more than 2000 old ages ago. But during the 1500 # 8217 ; s and 1600 # 8217 ; s several uranologists made finds about the celestial organic structures that conflicted with the rules of star divination. As a consequence uranology and star divination became highly different in their methods and intents. Astrology is the survey of the places and motions of astronomical organic structures, which are fundamentally concentrated on the Sun, Moon, and planets. including their effects on our prevarications and events on Earth. Astrology was studied in great item amongst the antediluvian Egyptians, Hindus, Ch inese, Estrucans and chaledeans of babilonia. The chaledeans are credited with the beginning of star divination in a crude signifier. They observed the influence of the celestial organic structures, and the of import significance of the Sun governing the seasons and finding the harvests, they besides believed that the power that ordered a human life resided in the celestial spheres and that it # 8217 ; s message could be read at that place. Later on the spread of Christianity altered the character of star divination. The Arabs found astrology less of import yet still accepted it, but to the Christians it was less acceptable, although it was often practised during the in-between ages. In the 16th century uranologists like The great Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo weakened the foundations of star divination and proved that the thought of an Earth centred existence was no longer valid and as astronomy became closer to lt ;< p>being an exact science, astrology became less acceptable. Many people throughout the world believed in astrology, these people would base very important decisions on the advice of astrologers, while others claimed that astrology had no scientific value and considered it to be merely a form of entertainment. Astrological advice and forecasts can be found in many daily newspapers, and several magazines and books are published on the subject every year. Most of this advice appears in a from known as horoscope. which was originally an elaborate chart drawn up to indicate what influences the heavenly bodies would have on the life of an individual born at a particular time. Horoscopes are drawn according to twelve birth sings. An individual’s astrological horoscope is determined by the position of all the planets at the exact moment of birth. Astrologers divide a year in to twelve equal sections called the zodiac, which was originally corresponded to twelve constellations which la y around the great belt of the heavens. Each constellation was regarded as a house of a particular planet. Each planet was believed to have either a strong or weak influence on a persons life, depending on it’s positions in the heavens. The divisions of the zodiac are called signs because ancient astrologers assigned descriptive names, mostly of animals, to various constellations and devised abstract symbols to fit these names, the position of the sun in one of these twelve constellations at the moment of birth determines an individuals sign. A person who is born at the time of change from one sign to another is called a cusp meaning a sharer of the qualities of both signs. No one has ever been able to prove the scientific accuracy of astrological predictions, and attempts to measure and define this skill have remained inconclusive.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cause and effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cause and effect - Essay Example The party went on until after midnight and with increasing time, he drank even more. By the time the party was over, he was heavily intoxicated and was not even in the state to drive. But he did not have any other option and he had to drive himself. He was not in a very conscious and alert state and did not realize when he crossed the speed limits. He was stopped by the police and they analyzed his level of alcohol which was way above the normal limits. They not only fined him but he was also taken to the police station where he was jailed. His act of carelessness made him land in this trouble. It was a very difficult situation for my friend. He was not only caught by the law enforcement personnel but his parents also got really worried about his whereabouts. They were very disappointed with his act and he also found himself in a very embarrassing position and could not face them. If he would have been careful and would not have consumed excessive alcohol he could have saved himself from this occurrence.

Shipping Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Shipping Law - Essay Example carriage and its acceptance by the shipper, including the advertisement of the carriage, the booking notice, any statements by agents, and other such evidence, with the bill of lading as the capstone. Since, the bill of lading is only signed by one party, the agent of the carrier, with the shipper or his forwarding agent, responsible for the description of the goods to be loaded or already loaded, the bill of lading has been described as a contract for adhesion or a standard form contract if the shipper is using the usual forms provided by the carrier. The named consignee, often the shipper himself, is also a party to bill of lading, first, by receiving the goods at its destination upon producing the bill of lading, and, second, as he may assume the risk covered by insurance during the voyage although he has not yet acquired title to the goods. (b) TC has indicated to Susan that he will accept liability to her for damage to half ofthe goods. He intends to limit this liability under the US Carriage of Goods by SeaAct 1936. Susan has said that as she is the lawful holder of the bills of lading, shecan sue him for all of the goods and that the Hague-Visby Rules will apply. IsSusan correct in these beliefs Hague-Visby Rules is one of the rule which defines the rights and duties of parties in a contract of carriage of goods by sea, insurance for goods, and transfer of title. The Hague and Hague- Visby rules are generally identical, except for provisions dealing with limitations of liability, third parties and a few minor areas. The Visby amendments to the Hague Rules increase the limits... As indicated earlier, the bill of lading is the best evidence of the contract of carriage, but the entire contract depends upon the offer of service by the carriage and its acceptance by the shipper, including the advertisement of the carriage, the booking notice, any statements by agents, and other such evidence, with the bill of lading as the capstone. Since, the bill of lading is only signed by one party, the agent of the carrier, with the shipper or his forwarding agent, responsible for the description of the goods to be loaded or already loaded, the bill of lading has been described as a contract for adhesion or a standard form contract if the shipper is using the usual forms provided by the carrier. The named consignee, often the shipper himself, is also a party to bill of lading, first, by receiving the goods at its destination upon producing the bill of lading, and, second, as he may assume the risk covered by insurance during the voyage although he has not yet acquired title to the goods. Hague-Visby Rules is one of the rule which defines the rights and duties of parties in a contract of carriage of goods by sea, insurance for goods, and transfer of title. The Hague and Hague- Visby rules are generally identical, except for provisions dealing with limitations of liability, third parties and a few minor areas. The Visby amendments to the Hague Rules increase the limits of the carrier liability, change the method of expressing the limitation amount (by weight).

Comparing Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Essay

Comparing Malcolm X and Martin Luther King - Essay Example Martin Luther King Jr. was follower of the Christian faith. Struggle of Martin Luther Jr. for the right of for his fellow African-American was always non-violent and peaceful throughout his entire movement. He always remained firm on his ground, even he have been physically attacked he never leapt out of his destiny, and never reacted with violence. Malcolm X was a believer of Muslim faith, and strongly believed on Muslim principles. His most renowned quote was â€Å"By any means necessary† (Otis 143-144). He believed in violence against violence. His theory was to get freedom; he was all for it by any way violent or nonviolent way. Although his stance changes later in his life, when he met other Muslims in his visited to Jerusalem. At that moment he changed his thoughts, and became nonviolent. In the start of his preaching, Malcolm X never wanted black and white integration. He grew up minding to the words of his father. Father of Malcolm X was a follower of Marcus Garvey (on e of the most influential and earliest black-nationalist minds was founder of the â€Å"Back to Africa† social movement). In 1946, he was convicted of robbery and sent to prison. During his prison he studied â€Å"Nation of Islam†, Muslim sect founded by Elijah Muhammed. After his release from prison, he joined daily activities of the NoI with dedication. The NoI appealed to warm and young blood of Malcolm, as it was griped with the prosperity of black culture and history, and completely rejecting values and norms of white society. In contrast to Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. was non-violent and peace loving person. He was in favor of peace and integration between black and white races. Martin was influenced by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. He studied Gandhi's non-violent strategies and found how, to change hearts through love of one’s enemies and sacrifice. Leader and his followers can convert a society externally by diplomacy. His one of the famous civi l rights move was the â€Å"March on Washington†, which framed the different views of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. This event took place on August 28, 1963. Around 20,000 or more people including whites participated in the march from Washington Monument to the Lincoln memorial in Washington D.C. This march turned out to be one of King’s greatest achievements throughout his life. This event was where he was crowned for the face of the civil rights movement. King never acted out even in the time of violence. Martin wanted all the races should get united to put halt on hatred and violence. Thoughts of Malcolm X were different regarding the march. According to him integration would destroy the movements of African-American for their social rights. He thought that American blacks should be more worried with helping each other and blacks should start this by giving self respect to the same race first. He was not agreed with what King Jr. had to say, in his view drea m of King was not a dream but a nightmare. MLK’s struggle to civil rights and equality was non-violent, preaching out for non-violence, nonviolent resistance, and all this with what he named as a, â€Å"weapons of love† (King, Carson and Carson  135-136). On the other hand, Malcolm X’s approaches for civil rights and equality were different. He does not trust whites, willingly used any means necessary to get social and equal rights. He believed segregation until he went to Makkah.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mintzbergs Leadership Test and Reflection Essay

Mintzbergs Leadership Test and Reflection - Essay Example Participative leaders value the people they work with and use the inputs that members of the team provide, thus they create a committed team based on participation.  Advantages of being a participative leader are many. Being a participative leader, there is a scope for growth of other leaders within the organization. The process used by the leaders is one which allows for everyone to participate in the decision making of the company. This increases the productivity of the people in the team and also allows for allowing for the team members to express their creativity and also demonstrate their abilities and talents which do not be seen in the other styles of leadership. Also, it has been noted that there is a clear development of skills and abilities. This form of leadership provides the team with a chance to learn their weaknesses and work on improving their weaknesses. This is not only useful for the current job, but also for future jobs and their career as a whole. Also, this st yle of leadership also provides the team with a range of possibilities. This style provides a new direction to decision making and instead of placing all the load on one individual it sees all problems, issues, and processes from several different angles. This method also allows me to use brainstorming as a solution to issues. Using a brainstorming is one which is most useful as any process can be improved and every issue can have a better approach if a number of aspects are considered (Slocum and Hellriegel, 2006).  

The U.K Identity Cards Bill and its implcations Essay

The U.K Identity Cards Bill and its implcations - Essay Example While the Bill and the stated objectives seem reasonable, and a large majority of the general public believe it to be good idea, there remains confusion and apprehension on the potential implications of the Bill to their privacy and civil liberties, not to mention the cost and policy implications.3 Unlike other means of individual identification, the proposed use of biometric technologies utilising biological information, and the introduction of a computerised National Identity Register, which permits users to track anybody, anytime, anywhere, in the modern networked society, apparently present far-reaching implications on the privacy and security of the individual, as well as the society. A research is deemed necessary to understand the implications of the Bill including that of the technology involved, in terms of the privacy and security concerns, as well as to look at alternative techniques or modes of identification, which may be considered by the government for successful imple mentation of the identity project. Researchers observe that biometric techniques, such as fingerprint verification, retina analysis, iris or face recognition, voice recognition, hand-written signature verification, are increasingly used in individual authentication and identification systems.4 While researchers are generally in agreement on the efficacy of the technology, experts in information technology and data security caution the possibility of errors including false matches and multiple identities, and the dangers of manipulations and misuse.5 Many researchers, both in the U.K and elsewhere, have studied the impact of biometric technologies on individual privacy and security.6 Researchers like Zorkadis and Donos observe that, "too wide utilisation of biometrics creates general concern for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals."7 According to them any human physiological or behavioural traits used in biometric technologies are personal data protected by privacy protection legislation. The U.K. Identity Cards Bill and the use of biometrics have received widespread criticism by policy analysts and academic researchers.8 The report by Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) raises "a number of concerns relating to the human rights compatibility of the Bill"9. According to academics from the London School of Economics and Political Science the identity card bill proposals are "too complex, technically unsafe, overly prescriptive and lack a foundation of public trust and confidence."10 While the researchers support the concept of a national identity system for the UK, it considers the present legislation and the scheme "as a potential danger to the public interest and to the legal rights of individuals."11 Other policy analysts also condemn the Bill as an unwarranted state intervention in individual freedom and privacy-Dolan Cummings states that the ID card proposals are in effect trying to "reconstitute the public as membership organisation" 12 creating a society in which the members have to constantly prove their identity to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Special Qualitites of Japanese Woodblock Prints Essay

Special Qualitites of Japanese Woodblock Prints - Essay Example Not only were the woodblock prints a source of entertainment and enchantment, they were also vital to the propagation of Buddhist philosophy and art. (Priest, 1959) As a consequence, the evolution of Zen Buddhism in Japan is neatly documented in this medium of art. The rest of this essay will analyze two Japanese woodblock prints – taken one each from The Seattle Museum of Asian Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art respectively – and study their similarities and differences in the backdrop of the evolution of the technique. The two woodblock prints chosen for this essay are – Crow and Heron (Young Lovers Walking Under an Umbrella in a Snowstorm, ca. 1769) and Two Ladies Looking Through a Telescope (Hokusai, 19th century) - from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Seattle Museum of Asian Art respectively. The Crow and Heron was created by Suzuki Harunobu and is made of woodcut print on paper. This print carries many typical characteristics of the art and cultural sensibilities of the period. Firstly, chivalry being a cherished virtue in high Japanese society, the man is shown to hold the umbrella for his lover. The demureness and shyness of the lady is complemented by the glitter and passion in the eyes of her beloved. The robes worn by the lovers further accentuate this complementariness. The dark brown shades of the man’s robes align and merge with the soft white robe of the lady. The tresses and folding of their robes form a unified pattern. (Meech, 1982) Japanese woodblock prints reveal much information about the social structures and cultural norms of corresponding eras. They also show the signature styles of various artists. The Crow and Heron print shows the â€Å"rise of the wealthy chonin and their interest in elegant clothes, pleasurable pastimes, and the arts, especially woodblock prints. Harunobu depicted beautiful women being slender and graceful. He did not individualize his figures, but presented them as idealized ima ges without unique features†. (, 2006) It is interesting to note that the flourishing of woodprint art during the Edo period is largely due to the patronage of the aristocratic class. Indeed, the â€Å"pleasure quarters and the sophisticated entertainments they offered exerted an enormous impact on the culture of the Edo period.† (, 2003) In this light, it is a paradox that the Buddhist message of austerity and detachment was propagated in equal measure through the art form. For instance, one prominent feature of this Buddhist ethos is that of ukiyo, which stands for the transitory nature of life. Both the works in discussion exhibit this quality in terms of their impressions. Hence, the revelry of Japanese high society went hand in hand with the simplicity of Buddhist philosophy in shaping the rules and aesthetics of woodprint art. This contra-direction is exemplified in the upturning of the meani ng of ukiyo from ‘transitory’ to that of ‘joie de vivre’. This â€Å"hedonistic culture that glorified life in the ‘floating world’ was particularly well expressed in the production of woodblock prints, which made available to anyone with a bit of extra cash captivating images of seductive courtesans, exciting kabuki actors, and famous romantic vistas. For the first time, artists were inspired by and responded

The U.K Identity Cards Bill and its implcations Essay

The U.K Identity Cards Bill and its implcations - Essay Example While the Bill and the stated objectives seem reasonable, and a large majority of the general public believe it to be good idea, there remains confusion and apprehension on the potential implications of the Bill to their privacy and civil liberties, not to mention the cost and policy implications.3 Unlike other means of individual identification, the proposed use of biometric technologies utilising biological information, and the introduction of a computerised National Identity Register, which permits users to track anybody, anytime, anywhere, in the modern networked society, apparently present far-reaching implications on the privacy and security of the individual, as well as the society. A research is deemed necessary to understand the implications of the Bill including that of the technology involved, in terms of the privacy and security concerns, as well as to look at alternative techniques or modes of identification, which may be considered by the government for successful imple mentation of the identity project. Researchers observe that biometric techniques, such as fingerprint verification, retina analysis, iris or face recognition, voice recognition, hand-written signature verification, are increasingly used in individual authentication and identification systems.4 While researchers are generally in agreement on the efficacy of the technology, experts in information technology and data security caution the possibility of errors including false matches and multiple identities, and the dangers of manipulations and misuse.5 Many researchers, both in the U.K and elsewhere, have studied the impact of biometric technologies on individual privacy and security.6 Researchers like Zorkadis and Donos observe that, "too wide utilisation of biometrics creates general concern for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals."7 According to them any human physiological or behavioural traits used in biometric technologies are personal data protected by privacy protection legislation. The U.K. Identity Cards Bill and the use of biometrics have received widespread criticism by policy analysts and academic researchers.8 The report by Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) raises "a number of concerns relating to the human rights compatibility of the Bill"9. According to academics from the London School of Economics and Political Science the identity card bill proposals are "too complex, technically unsafe, overly prescriptive and lack a foundation of public trust and confidence."10 While the researchers support the concept of a national identity system for the UK, it considers the present legislation and the scheme "as a potential danger to the public interest and to the legal rights of individuals."11 Other policy analysts also condemn the Bill as an unwarranted state intervention in individual freedom and privacy-Dolan Cummings states that the ID card proposals are in effect trying to "reconstitute the public as membership organisation" 12 creating a society in which the members have to constantly prove their identity to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Profile of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Essay Example for Free

Profile of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Essay Hospital Name: New York-Presbyterian Hospital Address: 525 E 68th St Fl 11, New York, NY 10021-4870, United States Contact Number: (212) 434-5500 Website: Vission: â€Å"To sustain its leadership position in the provision of world class patient care,   t  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   eaching, research, and service to local, state, national, and  international    communities.† (2006, p.2) Mission: â€Å"As a not-for-profit academic medical center, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital is   committed to its unique and complex mission of providing the highest quality patient  care, teaching, research, and community service.† (2006, p.2) Director: Dr. Philip Wilner Ownership: New York Presbyterian Hospital Dimension: 12-storey building, total beds summed up to 2,335 774 beds equipped with full-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   service hospital (the Greenburg Pavilion), connected to the existing facility.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is an 8-storey parking lot that is 527,000 in square feet. Main Facilities: The Allen Pavilion, Morgan Stanley Childrens Hospital of NewYork-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Presbyterian, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Center   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New York-Presbyterian Hospital/ Weill Cornell Medical Center NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Westchester Division Centers for Excellence: Cancer, Digestive Diseases, Geriatrics, Heart, Orthopedics,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Neuroscience, Pedriatrics, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation Medicine, Tranplants,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Womens Health Types of Services Provided: Medical Services, Surgical Services, Ambulatory Care   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Services, Emergency Care, Specialized   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Services, International and Corporate Health, Elderly Care. Awards and Recognitions Received: New York Magazines Best Hospitals 2006, U.S.News   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   World Reports Honor Roll of Americas Best Hospitals (since 1997),   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Americas Top Doctors, New York Magazines 2007 Best Doctors,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   American Alliance of Healthcare Providers Hospital of Choice   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Awards, eHealthcare Leadership Award, Greystone Web    Awards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (All were the awards   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   mentioned in the website as of January 30, 2008). Population Served: (As of April 10, 2007)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Outpatient Visits: 828,136  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ambulatory Surgeries 47,594   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Emergency Visits: 202,154  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inpatient Days: 729,088   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Deliveries: 10,242 Number of Workers: (As of April 10, 2007)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Employees: 15,078  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Physicians: 5,588 Affiliations: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Weill Medical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   College of Cornell University. Payer Sources: Blue Cross, Charity Care/Financial Aid, Medicare, Medicaid, Self Payment,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Workers Compensation. References: (n.d.). New York-Presbyterian: The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell.Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   January 30, 2008 from New York-Presbyterian: The University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell. Awards and Recognition. Retrieved January 29, 2008 from   recognition.html. (2005). New York Presbyterian Hospital 2005 Community Service Plan Annual   Ã‚   Implementation Report. Retrieved January 30, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   presbyterianspell=1access=poutput=xml_no_dtdie=UTF-8client   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   =Nyp_Subsite=NYP_Suboe=UTF-8proxystylesheet=NYP (n.d.). New York Presbyterian Hospital. Retrieved January 29, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Dun Bradstreet. (2007). The New York and Presbyterian Hospital. Retrieved January 29,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2008 from  Ã‚   dlanding=1referid=3550id=06qjjk.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The First Great Debate Challenges To Realism Politics Essay

The First Great Debate Challenges To Realism Politics Essay The subject matter of International Relations as a branch of political science can be defined in different ways. As in most social science disciplines there is no scientific consensus on the field and thus the definition we adopt would be conventional and reflect a particular account of the world.  [1]  Since there is no common definition of international relations, there exist multiple theories explaining the principles of interplay of what each of them consider being main actors would it be states, non-state institutions or classes. C. Brown and K. Ainley argue that there are no right or wrong theories as all have political implications, therefore, the pluralism of contesting theories each presenting different perspective should be preserved.  [2]   The aim of this essay is to examine the work by Ole R. Holsti  [3]  Theories of International Relations and critically address the arguments he presents. In the course of this essay I will briefly summarize authors description of state of affairs in international relations theories complementing it with personal interpretation. Holsti assumes the main aim of his essay is to contribute to exchange of ideas between political scientists and diplomatic historians.  [4]  The text addresses diplomatic historians to introduce them theoretical approaches used by political scientists. Author describes the first great debate on theories of international relations namely challenges presented by different groups of models to classical and modern realism.  [5]  He classifies theories that challenge realist concepts on system level into three groups: Global Society/Complex-Interdependence/Liberal-Institutionalism, Marxist/World System/Dependency and constructivism, neglecting differences inside these groups to emphasize main differences between theoretical perspectives.  [6]  He also examines several decision-making models that go beyond structural analysis of international relations focusing on political processes inside the units of the system.  [7]   The Great Debate In this chapter I am going to summarize five major arguments of realist theories from classical to neo-realism described by Holsti and their critics by other international relations theories on systemic and decision-making levels. Although it might seem very simplistic, if one could generalize the five points of classical realist theory described by Holsti  [8]  into one sentence, the result might be the following: Sovereign states as main units of the anarchical international system act as unitary rational actors to achieve security through involvement into war and peace based on relative capabilities. In the first place, Holsti states that classical realists consider as central questions the causes of war and the conditions of peace  [9]  , arising from the structural anarchy of the international system, meaning that there is no higher authority above states to settle conflicts. This kind of structural organization of the international system gives rise to the security dilemma that is attempts to reach absolute security by one state is in direct proportion to insecurity of all other parts of the system.  [10]   Each of the five points made by classical realists were further developed and complemented by modern realist or neo-realists, namely K. Waltz and later R. Gilpin, but equally they all seem to hold numerous controversies. At first glance, it appears to be that the assumption of rationality of states is based on, I would argue irrational by itself pessimistic concept of human nature would it be secular or religious.  [11]  Moreover, the whole approach to explanation of international relations in terms of military struggle for security (can easily be substituted by superiority) against all other states may lead to a conclusion that there is constantly a world war all against all. Fortunately however this is not the case. Furthermore, Holsti points that Robert Gilpin developed the argument that international system is in a state of equilibrium if no state believes that it is profitable to attempt to change it.  [12]  Therefore, it appears to be that the question of engagement in a war is defined solely by mathematic correlation between costs and benefits. Would this neo-realist assumption be true, the most powerful states would have been involved in constant expansion until one of them achieves an empire comprising the entire world. The aforementioned controversies of the realist theories show us that there should be more complex motivation in the relations between actors in international relations. Apart from the involvement in war or peace, states are likely to cooperate on a number of issues like trade, science, education, migration, environmental challenges etc. Even the most powerful states are currently unable to cope with some issues that are cross-border like terrorism or spread of epidemic diseases.  [13]  The increasing interdependence of states and growing influence of non-state actors like NGOs, transnational corporations and international organizations in contrast to decline of the nation-state are the main arguments of the group of theories labeled by Holsti as Global Society/Complex-Interdependence/Liberal Institutionalism. State remains the point of departure for these theories, but the views on its future role vary from acknowledgment that state is a major source of change in the internation al system to its irreversible decline.  [14]   Despite encompassing broader range of motivations, except war and peace that determine international relations, the latter group of theories presents just another perspective with its limitations and inability to explain certain tendencies currently taking place in the world. Together with integration processes and interdependence, we can observe rise of nationalism and disintegration in different parts of the world, especially in the Central and Eastern Europe. Marxism/World Systems/Dependency together with post-modernist theories are rare cases where Holsti expresses his own standpoint apart from impartial description of previous groups of theories, using satirical remarks.  [15]  Holsti describes the arguments of this group of theories very shortly. Marxism/World Systems/Dependency theories consider as determining factor of international relations the mode of production and inequality inside the world capitalist system. According to M/WS/D models, the role of state is secondary in relation to classes. On condition that one accepts Marxist paradigm and his interpretation of capitalism, the explanation of international relations based on exploitation within one world capitalist economy seem convincing. The system cannot be anarchical, if one of the parties depends on other. However, at least one problem appears in this regard related to Marxist interpretation of actors in the international relations classes. The criteria for defining classes are more or less clear the relation to the means of production, place in the system of production and distribution. The problem is that the exploited across the world do not necessarily define themselves as proletariat and do not realize the need for workers solidarity. Thus, they cannot act as an independent actor in international relations. Constructivism challenges all the systemic theories of international relations by demonstrating that all notions developed to explain reality are socially constructed, thus, cannot be considered as consequence of the system. The behavior of actors is determined by the way they perceive the reality, not by reality itself.  [16]  I agree with Holstis argument that constructivism is rather an approach than a theory and can contribute to expanding other theories of international relations.  [17]   Finally, Holsti shows the importance of decision making models in international relations. Certain decisions may be taken or not, depending on the inforrmation acquired and processed within the actors. This proves the importance of consideration together with systemic factors also internal conditions of actors in international relations theories. Conclusion The theories discussed by Holsti represent different approaches to explaining international relations. Each of them presents their view why the states or other actors behave like they do and only in that way. All of the theories tend to universalize and explain the relations between states in terms of simple models. My standpoint is that there cannot be a single universal pattern in which the whole diversity of global processes will fit. This is why none of the theories of international rlations is appropriate to be the theory of globalization. However each of them can be useful in research of certain aspect of globalization. For example, structural realism is considered to be ahistorical, nevertheless, it can be applied to the research of conflicts. Other theories may be used to study complex interdependencies and entanglements in the world. The globalization research should be based on a certain theory, but this theory cannot be limited to one perspective. The most important, I believe, is to take into account different perspectives and approaches in the study of globalization. Therefore, none of them can be priviledged or neglected as they are based on the socially constructed notions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Personal Narrative- Improved Writing Essay -- Personal Narrative

My first real writing experience happened my junior year at HHS. It was the second to last day of school of my sophomore year, and I happened to be flipping through the course descriptions book, and was thinking of an English class to take next year. Well, I sat there and sat there thumbing through the pages, and finally, one particular class appealed to me. I thought, "WOW, this is a class I should take!" "Yeah right," but I still decided to register for American Lit.anyway. Well, the school year finally ended, and I wasn’t too happy for next year’s school year to begin. "I mean, American Lit. was going to be boring with all the reading, not to mention all the writing, too." But I didn’t consider the writing to be a big problem, because I had gotten to be pretty good at it by my junior year, or so I thought. To move on, the summer didn’t last long enough for me. I had tons of fun being at the cabin, fishing and stuff. But the thought of going back to school bothered me, so that kind of ruined my summer. And before I knew it, I was lying in bed the night before my first day of "hell" tossing and turning all night because I knew I was doomed for the next nine months of my life. "Finally," I said as I woke up after two hours of sleep, "let’s get this over with." I ran out the door without breakfast, and I was already fifteen minutes late by the time I got to school. I walked into my first class. It sucked. I walked into my second class, and that also sucked! American Lit. was next. "I don’t even know why I registered for this," I thought as I strolled into the classroom and took my seat way in the back. The teacher then walked in and said her name was Ms.Schmidt. "Man, she looks pretty damn old," I said under my bre... ...o work through this nasty theme habit. "Now that we have gone over pretty much everything I know about writing a good paper," my teacher said after six months of afterschool sessions, "I want you to write one paper for me, one that will show me my time wasn’t wasted with you." So I went back to my very first paper on Hester Prynne, and rewrote it. I came back the next day, turned it in, and anxiously awaited her comments. "What is takin’ so long for her to read my frickin’ paper?" I asked myself. Fifteen minutes later she was finally done. "My time wasn’t wasted with you. This paper shows me your creativeness as a writer. How you related Hester Prynne’s character to someone you know was really interesting. This paper held my attention throughout its’ entirety. I can’t say enough about your dramatic improvement in writing. I am really proud of you, Alex." Personal Narrative- Improved Writing Essay -- Personal Narrative My first real writing experience happened my junior year at HHS. It was the second to last day of school of my sophomore year, and I happened to be flipping through the course descriptions book, and was thinking of an English class to take next year. Well, I sat there and sat there thumbing through the pages, and finally, one particular class appealed to me. I thought, "WOW, this is a class I should take!" "Yeah right," but I still decided to register for American Lit.anyway. Well, the school year finally ended, and I wasn’t too happy for next year’s school year to begin. "I mean, American Lit. was going to be boring with all the reading, not to mention all the writing, too." But I didn’t consider the writing to be a big problem, because I had gotten to be pretty good at it by my junior year, or so I thought. To move on, the summer didn’t last long enough for me. I had tons of fun being at the cabin, fishing and stuff. But the thought of going back to school bothered me, so that kind of ruined my summer. And before I knew it, I was lying in bed the night before my first day of "hell" tossing and turning all night because I knew I was doomed for the next nine months of my life. "Finally," I said as I woke up after two hours of sleep, "let’s get this over with." I ran out the door without breakfast, and I was already fifteen minutes late by the time I got to school. I walked into my first class. It sucked. I walked into my second class, and that also sucked! American Lit. was next. "I don’t even know why I registered for this," I thought as I strolled into the classroom and took my seat way in the back. The teacher then walked in and said her name was Ms.Schmidt. "Man, she looks pretty damn old," I said under my bre... ...o work through this nasty theme habit. "Now that we have gone over pretty much everything I know about writing a good paper," my teacher said after six months of afterschool sessions, "I want you to write one paper for me, one that will show me my time wasn’t wasted with you." So I went back to my very first paper on Hester Prynne, and rewrote it. I came back the next day, turned it in, and anxiously awaited her comments. "What is takin’ so long for her to read my frickin’ paper?" I asked myself. Fifteen minutes later she was finally done. "My time wasn’t wasted with you. This paper shows me your creativeness as a writer. How you related Hester Prynne’s character to someone you know was really interesting. This paper held my attention throughout its’ entirety. I can’t say enough about your dramatic improvement in writing. I am really proud of you, Alex."

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The short story If I Quench Thee by William E. Chambers is an appropria

The short story If I Quench Thee by William E. Chambers is an appropriate story as it effectively deals with the issue of racism by showing it through the eyes of a racist white father who assumes his daughter is marrying a black man. If I Quench Thee Choose a short story that you know well that deals with an important issue. State what the issue is and show, by referring to the plot, character, and technique and how the author has successfully explored the issue in an interesting and unusual way. The short story â€Å"If I Quench Thee† by William E. Chambers is an appropriate story as it effectively deals with the issue of racism by showing it through the eyes of a racist white father who assumes his daughter is marrying a black man. â€Å"If I Quench Thee† is about Arthur Stern, a successful business man who visits his daughter who works as a social worker in the ghetto. Whilst Arthur is visiting her she is visited by a black man who is rejected by her father because he is racist so he leaves. He waits outside and thinks about it and realises he can bare his daughter dating a black man so he goes back to apologise. When he returns he overhears the black man saying to Arthur’s daughter Monica that marrying her would be the best the he would do. Hearing this Arthur fills will anger and leaves. He waits for Tod to come out then murders him saying that it was a mugging and it was self defence. In the police station his daughter turns up and tells her father that the black man was the vicar for her wedding. This has been the only time Arthur was ever scared. Arthur Stern is a successful business man who owns a mink farm. He was in the Korean war which I think lead to his hatred of other races. Arthur an... ... disgusted that people could be so racist and how people could think that they have a right to kill others just because they aren’t the same skin colour as them. It made me think about how sick and twisted people can be and how that some people can hate something so much that they would take it too such extreme lengths as to things such as murder. I personally think racism is wrong because people of a different race aren’t any different or inferior to white people like Arthur Stern thought. To conclude, I think that the author has expressed the view on racism in an effective way relating to the plot, characters and techniques used. Even though Stern was such an â€Å"evil† man, he can still feel regret for such a terrible act after realising that what he has done is actually wrong. This makes me believe that human society can improve on its views of racism.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Knowledge acquisition Essay

Jegrins Insurance Company is one of the largest insurance companies. Jegrins Company is a group of six other companies that deal with life insurance, property insurance, insurance exchange, property insurance and management. Jerkins Insurance Company is one of the largest casualty or property insurers and has so many policies. It deals with life insurance, asset management and casualty and property Insurance. Insurance companies have to maintain a competitive advantage in order to ensure growth. Jergins is one of those insurance companies that need to maintain a competitive advantage. The company has a very stable financial condition, works towards superior targets hence attains the aim of providing superior services. The employees of Jegrins Insurance Company are a very committed group who work towards the success of the company and ensure that the company grows. Jegrins Company has policy holders too that always set specific targets to be met by the company. They either set long term targets or short term targets depending on what they want to accomplish, agents of the company work hard in order not only to meet these targets but also to exceed them as a challenge to their policy holders. This company uses all these to ensure growth in the market as well as maintaining a competitive advantage. The company uses the capitalization’s risk adjustment as one of the ways of ensuring growth. It has a unique solid operating performance system as well, that it makes use of and views this as very important in the growth of the company. Another design in place for the Jegrins Insurance Company is the availability of the regional market that is well established. The advantage of the regional market, the employees attitude towards working hard, the adjustment of risk capitalization and the policies of the company that have to be met, place the company in a very high class among other insurance companies and enables it maintain a competitive advantage apart from just company growth. There are other factors that contribute to the growth hence high rating of the Jegrins Insurance Company. These are factors such as improvements on technology which has enabled the company growth on performance and service offering, low operating costs, a solid income investment, an increased sophistication on pricing and a well organized and well mannered underwriting. Jegrins Company cannot only depend on the already mentioned factors to be successful and to maintain a competitive advantage. It has to look for knowledge and how to manage it for the benefit of the company. The company therefore tried to change or implement ways of getting knowledge which it realized was a very important factor in maintaining competitive advantage. The company realized that by gaining knowledge from outside about other companies or competitors, it would be better placed, and apart from that, internal knowledge was noticed as essential for the general growth of the company. The company manager therefore decided to implement knowledge strategies to use for the companies benefit and be well informed about competitive advantage issues. The knowledge strategy of a company is the approach the company gives to the knowledge capabilities and knowledge resources to the company’s strategy in order to achieve what the company targets are. A knowledge strategy enables the company to increase its knowledge in a specified area be it internal or external knowledge of a company. Companies choose from the knowledge sources which are either internal or external or can choose to use both. Jegrins Company decided on a knowledge strategy that uses both the internal knowledge sources and the external knowledge sources. Jegrins company internal knowledge sources are those that the employees have in their minds, that is, in their behaviors, the duties and procedures they conduct everyday, the company equipments and the software of the company that they handle. Jegrins internal knowledge sources also lay in the various documents that the company has, the databases and the on line repositories. The external knowledge sources that Jegrins decided to use are such as consultants, from brokers of knowledge, universities, publications, personal relations and from professional associations. Jegrins company manager found out that internal knowledge source could be used to prevent imitation by other companies and to maintain the required level of knowledge requirement for executing the company’s strategy and maintaining its current position. The manager then decided to go to an extent of looking for external knowledge sources to avoid being beaten by competitors since competitors too have knowledge levels. The company has to ensure the gap between the competitors level of knowledge is closed down to ensure it is not down and cannot be out done at any time. Jegrins also creates new knowledge to keep in pace and to maintain a competitive advantage position. This extra knowledge, the manager feels is very important since the company will be better placed that the other companies. The company exploits knowledge to keep pace by looking for more information that is relevant. Jegrins insurance Company Internal knowledge management and knowledge acquisition: Without a knowledge strategy, the success of a company can be jeopardized. The company has since implemented a strategy of knowledge acquisition. This strategy has various processes that the company follows. The knowledge of the company since it was initiated was made available to the company employees for them to get to know more about the company. In knowledge management, employees are very important. Jegrins encourages its employees to get the information about the company and perform there duties on the basis of knowledge that they have gained. Internal knowledge is based on the employee knowledge, about their experiences, the soft ware in the company and other company documents. Since the company already had these, it was easy for the manager to go through this step of knowledge acquisition because the employees already had knowledge about the company, the software and had experiences in vast areas of the company. On the basis that this is a large company that provides services to other members and has so many policies, Jegrins has a lot to be termed as internal knowledge. It is therefore an important task to take a long term plan to ensure knowledge acquisition is not stopped after a short time but is continued over a long period of time. Jegrins made this decision just based on the nature of the business or company that does not go for days then close down. The manager decided on long term plans to avoid failure during operations in the future. Apart from the company knowledge that was readily available, the manager still implemented ways to encourage the employees to share the experiences they had and other organizational issues as a way to improve the company’s operational system. By this he encouraged learning through experience hence acquiring more useful knowledge to what his targets of the company are knowledge. External sources of knowledge: Jegrins acquires knowledge too from the external environment as has been stated. It gets information from consultants about the company’s operation steps whenever the manager feels there is a point where consultation is required. The company has evolved to an extent of looking at the other company’s successful methods and learning about them for the benefit of the company and to bridge the gap between the competitor and the company itself. When the company manager does this, he realizes that the other companies do not have more knowledge than the company does, and therefore are at almost the same level of knowledge and not left out yet the company still ranks above the competitors. This he realizes is important in maintaining a competitive advantage since knowledge about other companies is available to him and he knows the steps to make to avoid problems or going down the competitive advantage. The manager also involves the company in looking for information about the environment to which the company operates apart from the competitors’ information. The market is very important to the management of the company since the basis of the company being set up is to provide services to a specified market. Jegrins manager encourages research on the market for the advantage of the company. This though has been the company norm even before the manager decided on taking to knowledge strategy since it offered a lot of information about the steps to be followed for the success of the company. The manager realized that there was need for a strategy or method to be used to acquire just more information relevant for development. This kind of information gaining was meant for the purpose of just keeping in pace with others or being ahead of them which would be to the advantage of the company. The company therefore looked for external sources of information from universities, publications about the successful insurance companies, and other related information professional sources. Jegrins Information distribution: The manager of Jegrins Insurance Company adopted a system in the company that stored valuable information in an order that could be easily retrieved for reference. He also adopted the system of allowing information to be shared among the employees depending on the ranks and area of work so that when an employee does not accept an issue, he/she can explain it to others, discussed and a conclusion made. All these steps the manager considers as a good knowledge management strategy that has shown great success to the company after implementation. After knowledge acquisition, distribution, interpretation and general storage, the company’s knowledge management can be discussed. The manager so far has used this strategy to manage the company knowledge and is able to realize some bit by bit improvements from the previous level in which the company was before. The company though was at a high level, the manager had intentions of improvement and not just sticking to one level forever that may fall down in one time. The manager decided therefore to implement the knowledge management strategy to improve company performance and maintain competitive advantage. In all the knowledge management procedures, the manager had to take time to make sure that strategic knowledge creation is correctly done. He had to make the short term decisions in some cases and long term decision in others to make sure that there is a balance. This is because in some cases like the maintenance of the competitive advantage by the company, the manager had to decide on long term strategy since the future of the company has to be considered. After implementing a knowledge management strategy, the company has come to realize that knowledge is the key issue in the basis of competition. The company is always aware of any competitor steps that are relevant for the company in order not to be beaten by the competitor. Additional knowledge places the company at a higher class since more improvements have been made based on the acquired knowledge. Internal knowledge proved to be very advantageous to the company since it made the employees share the ideas out of the strategy that the manager created that allowed them to share ideas on the companies operations and make corrections and improvements where it was necessary. The result of these steps by the manager was tremendous, easy maintenance of the competitive advantage, noticeable growth, and increased class when compared to other companies and just being informed in terms of knowledge. It was success for Jegrins. Jegrins manager feels that knowledge strategies that suit respective companies are one of the ways to maintain competitive advantage in insurance companies since knowledge is the basis of competition and improvement. According to Jegrins’ manager, when the company has knowledge from the external environment, there are very high chances of improvement and maintaining a competitive advantage. Internal knowledge also contributes to the improvement and competitive advantage too since the main subject here is the employees and the employees have a big role to play in the company. They are the one who run it through their routine duties and experiences.